Sunday, September 3, 2023


 DISCLAIMER: Its a memo, not a poem.. please don't look for rhyming scheme 🫣

"I love you"
"Maybe that.."
That is the reason
Am amorous, devoted,
My joy has no bounds,
My love ascends

But all this just when
I have you by my side
The moment you're distant
My joy's in no sight
Maybe i have a lot of
You in my 'around
Maybe without you
My life goes vague
Maybe the reason I'm stuck is
Back to that,
That i love you so much
"Maybe that"

Well if I look closely,
Its not all true
When you're not around,
The world, for me, is anew
Freshness that comes with
Faces I leave behind
At times when I have you.
When Alone, those are mine.

The world is cruel, or so I've heard
Bet people are not all same
Coz take it from me who's taken a few granted
Those fews' keep me checked when I go insane.

Look, I know I have you
Holding me tight.
Whenever I'll fall
You'll pull with all might,
But I'm not sure the person who'll come back
Will be the same me, will it then be right?

Maybe the version of you I adore
Is the one that never did exist
Maybe the current is you, yourself
But what I signed up for, was sure not this!
But then again I am stuck as of now
Coz the idea to leave is a no go
For even if it was an idea I adored,
My heart still cares for that inkling of hope
The reason again is simply that
That I love you so much
'Maybe that'

I know you love me and I do too
So much that I can't live without
Just I feel stuck when my heart
And this mind of mine are on outs
I love you but is that enough?
Coz reliance on you, for me, its tough
Is the person you are really you?
Or will my future turn dark
Will I ever understand you? And you?
Will we ever?
Maybe we just will have to find out..
'Maybe that'

Every inch of you
I adore nd care
But our love perhaps
Is the problem here
I mean, Maybe! Ryt?

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