Sunday, July 17, 2022

Life, Love and In Between

 Life, it seemed, always had a bucket full of surprises to drench her enthusiastic yet confused little mind in all forms of adventure, known AND unknown.

You must be wondering which aspect of her disastrously amazing life am I stressing on today.. 

Wanna guess?

Okay so.. here's your clue..

What's the first 4-letter word that comes to your mind when I say— "the sheer necessity for the survival of humanity in a living being"?

Okay! Okay! That was indeed a rather nerdy and scientific clue for probably the simplest word ever!

Yeah.. that's LOVE!! <3

So this sweet, innocent little angel was actually a devil inside. An unstable mind with a lot of excitement to explore what the world has to offer. From the very beginning, a stable commitment and uniformity was far from "her type". But isn't it obvious for a person who had weekly attraction updates and who got bored of stuff real quick?

Sounds mean though, right?

The thing about love? — You may be a typical ice maiden warrior or the biggest winsome coquette, but once that 'real' kind of love collides with your instability, all you look for is steadiness. 

All you need to do is "believe" that you will find it one day.. to "believe" their actually is a thing called 'TRUE LOVE' and no it's not just some cringey, 'gotta-stay-away-from-it' stuff to make rom-coms and romance novels go rainbows and unicorns!


OH! You have no idea! Her beliefs sufficed to lengths that could make heavens fall for her. She was a tomboy personality on the outside with George ("The hopeless romantic" of Georgian Stories) being her spirit and soul!

Yet she believed in not to bide her time for that love to come to her, rather her pixie- dominant side made her popular and way distant from real affection, closer she was to momentary flings and hence, the weekly updates!!!!

Sad, how a believer didn't find her belief right?

The story doesn't end here..

One fine time, her fling seemed to last a little longer, that affection seemed to be much more realistic, the things appeared clearer, her bored-self was no longer bored and weekly crushes? Well they stopped for the first ever time! And there it was- her 'belief', with a shining bright smile! 

Guess she did find her love afterall?


The sun was brighter, 

The pain was gone

That pure lil heart now

Was ready to be owned

She strongly believed, 

Life would be at ease

That the moon- lit nights

Will now bring her peace

She was well known

That she deserved it all

Unaware of his competence 

She couldn't help but fall

For a guy who maybe,

Tried his best

Impressed she was,

But never felt blessed

For he who she thought 

She would love forever

Just left mere memories

Her heart would treasure!


So our little devilish angel still had a long way to go. Her forever in thoughts was left to whenever and the burden of that heartbreak was too much to not drown in!



(Ps. This series of blog is dedicated to a person very close to the writer, a special thanks to them for existing!)

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