Wednesday, December 29, 2021

RESERVATION- An approach demanding alteration

Sitting by my desk this fine day, my thoughts led to me feeling sorry for EQUALITY for its theoretical approach never reached practicality in our system.

Which system? You must be wondering..

I'm talking about our very own regime!! 

As "proud" (note that the adjective is purely relative) citizens of India, we often find people in different age groups sniveling over disparate issues. That child who couldn't get into the college of his choice because his marks didn't match the "creamy layer" cutoff; or that postgraduate who couldn't make it to the job because the vacancy ought to be occupied by the reserved category chap; this list will go on and on..

Now the must question here is-- Why so??


What is reservation?-- The act of withholding a special place or position for someone is called as reservation. Reservation in India is all about reserving access to seats in government jobs, educational institutions, and even legislatures to certain sections of the population. It also is known as "Positive Discrimination" by a few. 

Its a government policy marked by the Constitution of India. It has its roots embedded deep within our legalities. In India, reservation is provided in:

1. Government Educational Institutions (like IITs, IIMs, etc)- as per Article 15-(4),(5), and (6).

2. Government Jobs (like IAS, IPS etc)- as per Article 16-(4) and (6).

3. Legislatures (Parliament, and State Legislature)- as per Article 334.

The basic aim of reservation, started by the founding father of the Indian Constitution, Dr. B.R. Ambedkar for 10 years after the adoption of Constitution, was to bring social and economic equality in our society. Indian constitution primarily defines caste-based reservation. 

So I guess this much briefing of the word reservation would be all that we need here. Coming back to our take on this.. why am I stressing on the fact that reservation KILLED equality?

Before moving to this answer, I'd like to first acknowledge the statement that goes like- "Reservation ensures "EQUITY", not "Equality"!; Okay.. well? What is the difference? Equality means everyone is treated the same exact way, regardless of needs or any other individual difference; while equity means everyone is provided with what they need to succeed. Sounds good right? It's all that we need. Then why am I opposing it?; My argument to this will follow along the text..

If we begin with equality, in laymen terms, equality is the state of being equal, specially in status, rights and opportunities. Considering reservation here, it brings an obvious gap and a definite violation to the very definition of equality, ensuring that a few might get a more privileged life than others.

Now you may argue that the very aim of reservation was upliftment of certain sections so that this very gap shuts, but for how long was it needed? We say that Dr. Ambedkar introduced it for 10 years but truth is that it wasn't stated to abolish it after that period of time, infact it was asked to be "reviewed" every 10 years; this created a ready-made made bait for the political parties to raise at the time of election, thus tempting in lower caste' votes. Over the years, the scheme penetrated deeper in the system reaching extremities. 

Now the question rises that if it ensures equity then what's the harm? But I ask, Did It? Did it ensure equity? Did it ensure upliftment? 

Time and time again, we've found instances of how riches got richer and poor got poorer. People with weak financial background, belonging to the creamy layer continue to live in poverty because of the dejection they face as a result of reservation; while those very vacant seats are filled by "not-so-deserving" riches from the reserved category. There are instances where the true abilities and talents of an individual go unnoticed because everyone tends to believe that he secured the position because he belonged to the "category". Day after day, we encounter caste groups getting together to ask for their share in reservation but to our disappointment no one ever takes a step towards curbing the process. What everyone fails to understand is that it was meant to be a temporary solution and not something everlasting. What once was supposed to be a step towards initiating upliftment became a lifelong spoon-feeding process. Yes, equity means dotting on to the needs of individuals but then this would be truly met when reservation isn't caste based.

Wait! did I just support reservation? Yes! I did. I'm not here to say that reservation should be removed. My point is that the issue on which it is based needs to be changed. It should now cater to the need of the hour, which is upliftment of the financially poor population of the nation. Caste based reservation is as old as our constitution. It is a major reason keeping back the economic growth of the nation and setting aside talents that ought to be recognized. 

Today, a vast number of high positions are occupied by lower caste candidates, thus the issue of caste-based discrimination is long lost here. The section who does face discrimination is the economically weaker section which needs to be taken care of, for only then will India be truly developing!

The human race in itself is a living and breathing proof that with time, things need to be altered to curb any anomalies or difficulties. Then why stay bound to that decades old tradition?  

Perhaps, we are the beginning towards the change..


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