Sunday, April 18, 2021

Court of Love- Part 3


The helpless Mr. Mind and trapped Mr. Heart one after another presented their witness in the court and to everyone's surprise, not a single soul could pick a side, let alone the muddled lady on the chair of honor.

There was chaos all around and the scene turned blurry as if water sprinkled all over a shooting lens. 

Wiping off the moderately dry tears from her swollen eyes, the girl woke up to a bright new day. Bright, because it wasn't an uncertain usual morning. To her, today was different since the little battle of justice in her dream world made her puzzled little head adept at deciphering the biggest scepticism of her current life.

So, she went running to the guy, she believed to be the other end of her forever. As soon as her eyes discerned him, the world around faded; her voice mumbled and her legs trembled, her heartbeats raced; it was as if she saw him for the very first time all over again but she knew this was the first time which also was the end. Her face didn't show the looks of impression, rather it was intimidating. 

But anyhow, she pulled together every ounce of her strength and confronted him- "Hey! Can we talk?"

And in response she heard- "So do you finally have a verdict for US?"

To this, the girl's heart swirled. Her entire dream flooded back into her mind from her subconscious. However, her inner strength made her tough enough to say the parting words.

"Umm.. So are we really.. I mean is this the end? Are you really....?", the guy's heart sank, he was out of words, though he was wonted to this.

"I know none of us thought that this day would come.. Yeah, it's hard to accept but we're like that season which did not get a fair chance at completion because disasters came in it's ways.. Disasters, the ones which completely destroyed its existence..", the girl sighed.

"But for every such season, a new fresh year comes to serve it with the chance it always deserved..", the boy tried to reason.

"Yeah, maybe another year would come, but now that season will either be long lost or never ever come back in the same form with the same beauty; with that heartwarming essence. You were the person I wished to spend a lifetime with, but I no more long to wake up by your side every morning, to rant about my days to you, to go for evening walks with or to admire night skies together. You were the one who broke into my vulnerable sides and showed me what the outside world was like, but I never found reasons to why it all faded; you never assured and I just felt taken for granted. You once knew me inside out, you were the sole reason for my smiles, but now all I find are voids in my sleepless nights, voids of the chaos you left.. without really leaving. You were the first ever person I fell for, but I guess this fall did have a rise afterall."

"Do you think.. you'll.. I refuse to believe this.. I know somewhere in the future our paths will cross again and you'll be mine again, this.. this ain't the end.. it can't be!! to be honest, there's no one who can replace you.."

"There's no one who can replace you either. You're my first love and that place can never be outsmarted. You sure did teach me the definition of love but along the process I lost myself. I had to go against every single thing that formed me to hold on to you, to keep US strong, but maybe it was never supposed to be. And for once, I need to put myself above this world! A part of me will always love you looking at those roses, that favorite fast food place of ours, those notebooks we played stupid games as kids and every such thing which carries your essence; the spot in my heart you tenate, will never get altered. But, the truth is I've to let you go to bring myself back..", tears rushed through her eyes as she poured her heart out.

"I don't know what you're saying, I don't know what's right or wrong, I don't even know if the next thing I'm gonna do is correct but I would just say that you have my support in what you need to do, be it leaving from this bond of ours"- cried the boy.

"Can I.. Can I atleast get a hug?"- he asked sobbing.

The girl rushed into his arms for a long heartfelt tearful hug for every inch of her body craved for it.. One Last Time!

"I love you!"

"Until our stars meet again... "

And so, they parted.

I too had a pet..

It was a fine afternoon on April 3rd, 2024 when I left college early. The sun shone bright above my head and the wind was a little chilly. I...