Thursday, October 8, 2020

Court of Love- Part 2

(hearing continued......)

The witty Mr. Mind brought forward another statement to the court putting another theory from his side—

"Your Honour, It was the extent of the issues that trust initially had, which stopped her to fall for Love, else Love would have destroyed her way before in its most toxic forms known."

To this, the Heart calmly reasoned—

"It was these issues of Trust that Love encountered, understood, and calmly took upon to the responsibility of wiping them off with full consent and utmost honesty. It was only then that Trust started to build up, taking baby steps; From simple single texts turning to late night long chats; from talking just business to sharing secrets; from being just 'someone' to being 'the only one', these issues were completely eradicated. 

"Point to be noted M'lord, Yes! the issues were eradicated, and that is exactly what gave way to Love being capable enough to break Trust!"

By then, the eyes of both the lady and the pale-faced man were soaked in tears because it's not everyday that both parties make sense in total sanity leading to some insane conversations.

"Does the defence has something to say?"

"No, Your Honour."

"The prosecution may proceed"

Mr. Mind now called upon his witness, the memory of doubt in the witness box. As the doubt stood there, though it sided Trust, but faced a significant hatred look from Trust as they were no friends, rather enemies to a single person- Love (for now). 

"Mr. Doubt, can you please tell the court your side?"

And so Doubt spoke— 

"Your Honour, being distant from people show you their true colours and that is precisely what happened here. Love and Trust were known to be each other's compliment before distance separated them. They were bestest of friends, the most reliable and the coolest allies. Love, however jumped upon to making things a bit complex, jumping to the road of feelings, it made Trust blind-foldedlly walk on the path to destruction at a very tender age. Though it appeared he had the best intentions, he was never certain of his part in Trust's life. He made her dream with open eyes, dreams which he himself devastated due to his lack of involvement and communication. Maybe that's what let Trust to see me(doubt) as a rather reliable ally at that moment." 

The Mind smirked ;)

"The defence may question the witness"

"Thank you M'Lord", said Mr. Heart and stepped forward asking Trust— "Before reaching to Doubt and considering his conclusions, did you try to get Love's side of the matter or is the issue of ego so important to outcast any feelings?"

Trust replied instantly— "I did! I looked for every possible conversation, grabbed upon every possible opportunity, I asked, directly, indirectly, with affection, with hate, in every existing and non-existing way; all I looked for was a re-assurance. A sense of security that Doubt isn't right. But to my disappointment, all I received was Love's silence and disinterest in whatever I was going through!"

Mind now spoke— "Point to be noted M'Lord, an issue where a single reassurance of faith could do wonders was simply ignored. As a matter of fact, maybe Trust was right to fall in the words of Doubt.

Love knew this wasn't true but now he realised, his slight explanation could've done wonders. Hearing this, the man in the courtroom felt numb and he sank for he knew Trust was right....


Wednesday, October 7, 2020

Court of Love

 " 'Court of feelings' is now in session, please be seated. 

CASE: Mr. Love vs. (well literally everyone)"

And.. so began the world's most controversial hearing ever. 

Sitting behind the raised bench on the chair of high honour was the lady who was to decide the upcoming fate of masses involved in this case.

In the witness box stood the petitioner, Mr. Trust, pleading the court to prove the accused guilty through the prosecution advocate Mr. Mind, who gave a wild chase to the defence lawyer Mr. Heart defending the respondent Mr. Love, who believed he deserved a chance at redemption. In the courtroom sat some evidences, we commonly call "memories" and a person who's pale face with head bent down and puzzled eyes constantly gazed the courtroom floor without blinking. 

Ironically, none from the petitioner or the respondent were to be affected by the verdict today. Rather it was meant to throw light on the future of the law-bound judge and that uncertain man who seemed as innocent as a newborn!

"The accused is charged of murdering, rather breaking the petitioner. The defence can now present it's side."

Listening to this, standing in the forum, Love's soul filled up with sorrow, silently cried, while infront of him, Trust filled up with a rage of equal measure. 

Heart stepped up to call upon his first witness, the first memory of Love building up Trust, helping him grow, at a tender age of friendship. 

"So how did it all start?"- the first question was raised.

Now the memory guy wasn't well versed with the manners of court. He did greet the judge but inclined towards directly talking to Trust, and so he began..

"Do you remember the day Love and you came together to unite those two beautiful souls? Do you remember how you were cherished; how you were brought into existence at the mercy of undeniable efforts of Love?"

At this the Mind interfered- "Does giving someone birth makes it a forgivable excuse to kill them?"

The memory felt numb and silenced.

Trust, though broken, went back to that blurred memory in his thoughts wherein he remembered the sweet moments, each embraced by Love. When it made her believe his every action was true to the core. When his smile made her heart skip beats, when his words appeared diamond-like pure, when his touch gave a warmth of security, and just then....Trust snapped out of it!..



I too had a pet..

It was a fine afternoon on April 3rd, 2024 when I left college early. The sun shone bright above my head and the wind was a little chilly. I...